Posted by: Amy | 15 March 2012

USPS welcomes new C/C

A member of USPS since 1970, John Alter, SN, was elected 2012 chief commander. John Alter

Alter and his wife, Judy, live in Whispering Pines, N.C., and are members of the Raleigh Sail &Power Squadron.  Both are natives of Toledo, Ohio. Alter has held numerous officer positions at the squadron, district and national levels.  He has served as squadron commander, district commander, national treasurer, national administrative officer and national executive officer.

Alter received his bachelor’s and master’s degrees in business administration from Xavier University in Cincinnati, Ohio, and spent 27 years in executive positions with Ohio Bell Telephone Company before he moved to North Carolina.  His background also includes strategic planning and forecasting and budgeting.

“As a nonprofit organization, our role is to provide boating education and safety to the recreational boating community through our nationally recognized courses and seminars that can be taken in classroom settings or online,” Alter said. USPS has a membership of more than 40,000 in all 50 states as well as Japan and Puerto Rico.

During the 2012 Annual Meeting held in Jacksonville, Fla., Alter accepted his new role as chief commander, asserting, “By becoming educated and safe boaters, we’ll all have more fun on the water in our boats, which is why we all go boating in the first place.”

To find out more about USPS, visit

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